Journal Title Multigen: Multidisciplinary Indigenous Knowledge


Short Title Multigen

English and Bahasa


xxxx-xxxx(online); xxxx-xxxx(printed)

DOI Prefix by Crossref


Publication Frequency

4 issues per year (January, April, July and October)

Management Style

Open Access

National Accreditation


Citation Analysis

DOAJ l Google Scholarl More...

Subject Areas

Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Interdisciplinary Research

Editor-in-Chief Dr. Winarto

Konsorsium Pengetahuan Innoscientia
Rembang, Central Java - Indonesia


Multigen: Multidisciplinary Indigenous Knowledge is dedicated to exploring the rich and diverse body of knowledge developed by indigenous communities around the world. This journal provides a platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners from various disciplines to share their insights and findings on indigenous knowledge systems. The scope includes, but is not limited to, anthropology, ecology, education, health, history, linguistics, and traditional ecological knowledge.

Our mission is to highlight the importance of indigenous perspectives in addressing global challenges, promoting sustainable development, and fostering cultural diversity. We encourage contributions that demonstrate the intersectionality of indigenous knowledge with contemporary scientific research, policy-making, and community development.

By facilitating interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration, "Multidisciplinary Indigenous Knowledge" aims to bridge the gap between traditional knowledge and modern practices, ensuring the preservation and respect of indigenous heritage while advancing innovative solutions for future generations.

The journal was first published in 2024 and This journal has been indexed on reputable indexing databases such as DOAJ, Copernicus, Moraref, Google Scholar, etc.