Focus and Scope

Focus: Multigen: Multidisciplinary Indigenous Knowledge focuses on the comprehensive study and understanding of indigenous knowledge systems across various disciplines. It aims to integrate and highlight the significance of traditional knowledge in contemporary research and global discourse.

Scope: Multigen welcomes contributions that explore the following areas:

  1. Anthropology and Sociology: Studies on cultural practices, social structures, and traditions of indigenous communities.
  2. Ecology and Environmental Science: Research on traditional ecological knowledge, sustainable practices, and biodiversity conservation.
  3. Education: Innovative teaching methods, curriculum development, and the role of indigenous knowledge in modern education.
  4. Health and Medicine: Indigenous medical practices, traditional healing methods, and their integration with modern healthcare.
  5. History and Archaeology: Documentation and analysis of historical events, artifacts, and heritage sites significant to indigenous cultures.
  6. Linguistics: Preservation and revitalization of indigenous languages, and their impact on cultural identity.
  7. Arts and Literature: Indigenous artistic expressions, storytelling, and their influence on cultural heritage.
  8. Law and Governance: Indigenous legal systems, land rights, and governance models.

Multigen encourages interdisciplinary research that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and contemporary scientific practices, fostering mutual respect and collaboration. The journal aims to serve as a platform for the dissemination of indigenous knowledge, ensuring its preservation and application in addressing modern-day challenges.