Article Template
Authors are required to use the following template when preparing their manuscripts for submission. Please ensure your article adheres to the structure and formatting guidelines outlined below.
Article Structure
- Centered, bold, and in title case.
- Maximum of 15 words.
- A concise summary of the research (150-250 words).
- No citations or references in this section.
- List 3-5 keywords related to the article.
- Italicized and placed directly below the abstract.
Main Body
- Background and significance of the research.
- Clearly state the research question or hypothesis.
- Describe the research design, participants, materials, and procedures used.
- Include any ethical considerations.
- Present findings using text, tables, and figures where appropriate.
- Include statistical analyses if applicable.
- Interpret the results and discuss their implications.
- Relate findings to existing literature.
- Address limitations and suggest future research.
- Summarize key findings and their significance.
- Follow APA style for all citations and references.
- Ensure all cited works are included in the reference list.
Figures and Tables
- Numbered sequentially (e.g., Figure 1, Table 1).
- Each should have a caption and be cited in the text.
Formatting Guidelines
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
- Line Spacing: Double-spaced throughout the manuscript.
- Margins: 1 inch on all sides.
- Page Numbers: Include page numbers in the upper right corner.
Link to Article Template
Authors can download the article template here.