Screening for Plagiarism

Manuscripts submitted to the MIPA Insight Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics undergo meticulous scrutiny through Turnitin software, allowing a maximum of 20% similarity.

Instances of plagiarism encompass:

1. Word-for-Word Plagiarism:
   - Replicating another author's language verbatim without the use of quotation marks or proper citation.

2. Source Plagiarism:
   - Utilizing the concepts or ideas of others without providing due acknowledgment or explicit citation of the source.

3. Plagiarism of Authorship:
   - Presenting the work of another author as one's own, without appropriate attribution.

4. Self-Plagiarism:
   - Authors are discouraged from submitting the same article to multiple journals without significant modifications. When referencing one's own work, substantial changes must be incorporated into the new article. The previous article should only contain a minimal percentage of any new content, ensuring readers gain novel insights distinct from prior publications.

Adherence to these principles is crucial in maintaining the integrity and originality of scholarly work published in our journal.