Allegation of Research Misconducts

Research misconduct encompasses activities such as fabrication, falsification, citation manipulation, or plagiarism in the creation, execution, or review of research, as well as in the reporting of research results. Authors found to be involved in such misconduct regarding published articles bear the responsibility of maintaining the accuracy and integrity of the scientific records.

In instances of suspected misconduct, the editors and editorial board of MIPA Insight Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics adhere to the best practices outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to address complaints and handle misconduct with fairness. This involves a thorough investigation by the editors. Any submitted manuscript discovered to contain misconduct will be promptly rejected. In cases where a published paper is implicated, a retraction will be issued and linked to the original article.

The initial step in addressing an allegation involves validating its merit and assessing its consistency with the definition of research misconduct. This process also includes evaluating whether those making the allegations have any relevant conflicts of interest.

Should scientific misconduct or other substantial research irregularities be a possibility, the corresponding author will be informed of the allegations and asked to provide a comprehensive response on behalf of all co-authors. Following the receipt and evaluation of the response, additional reviews and involvement of experts, such as statistical reviewers, may be deemed necessary. In cases where misconduct is unlikely, the publication of clarifications, additional analyses, or both, presented as letters to the editor and often accompanied by a correction notice and amendment to the published article, suffices.

Institutions are expected to conduct thorough investigations into allegations of scientific misconduct. Authors, journals, and institutions share a crucial obligation to ensure the accuracy of scientific records. By appropriately addressing concerns about scientific misconduct and taking requisite actions based on the evaluation of such concerns, such as corrections, retractions with replacement, or retractions, MIPA Insight Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics remains committed to upholding its responsibility to safeguard the validity and integrity of the scientific record.

The handling of Allegation of Research Misconduct aligns with the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), accessible at


Papers published in MIPA Insight Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics are subject to retraction under the following circumstances:

Clear evidence indicates that the findings are unreliable, either due to misconduct (e.g., data fabrication) or honest error (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error).
Findings have been previously published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission, or justification (i.e., cases of redundant publication).
The content constitutes plagiarism.
The retraction process adheres to the Retraction Guidelines outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at