Publication Ethics

Ethics Statement for MIPA Insight Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics

Published by Konsorsium Pengetahuan Innoscientia

This ethics statement for the MIPA Insight Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics, produced by the Konsorsium Pengetahuan Innoscientia, is derived from the principles set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It encompasses a code of ethics applicable to the Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board members, reviewers, and authors. The principles outlined herein are based on:

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Articles featured in the MIPA Insight Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics represent a crucial cornerstone in the establishment of a coherent and esteemed knowledge network spanning multidisciplinary domains such as science, technology, education, and mathematics. It serves as a direct reflection of the caliber of authors and their affiliated institutions. Therefore, it is imperative to establish and adhere to a set standard of ethical conduct for all entities involved in the publishing process, including writers, journal editors, peer reviewers, publishers, and the public. The Editor of the MIPA Insight Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics is committed to ensuring that all procedures are geared towards facilitating an objective and intellectually rigorous treatment of submissions. Editors and reviewers assess manuscripts impartially, without regard to factors such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or specific political and group interests. Plagiarism detection software is employed to maintain the integrity of published articles.

Author Responsibilities:

Authors bear the responsibility of ensuring that submitted works are new and original, free from plagiarism.
Reproducing works previously published in other journals is not permitted.
Simultaneous submission of articles under review to multiple journals is strictly prohibited.
Publication elsewhere is only allowed after official refusal from the journal or acceptance of the withdrawal request.
Authors must promptly notify the Editor-in-Chief or publisher of any inaccuracies in their published work for corrections or revocation.
Authors are required to make a significant contribution to their work and take responsibility for any shortcomings.

Reviewer Responsibilities:

Reviewers must disclose the suitability of their area of interest before agreeing to assess a submission.
Refusal to review due to conflicts of interest or inadequate knowledge is acceptable.
Review submissions objectively, fairly, and professionally.
Report ethical errors encountered during the review process to the Editor-in-Chief for appropriate action.
Ensure the authenticity of submissions and remain vigilant against plagiarism and excessive publication.
Confidentiality of submission content must be maintained, and discussion without permission is not allowed.
Adhere to the allocated time for the review process, with extension requests subject to the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

Editorial Board Member Responsibilities:

Actively contribute to the growth and excellence of the journal.
Serve as ambassadors for the journal.
Continue to support and promote the journal.
Contribute to the review of assigned works.

Editor-in-Chief Responsibilities:

Evaluate manuscripts impartially based on intellectual merit.
Maintain confidentiality of manuscripts, divulging information only to those involved in the publishing process.
Decide on the timing and selection of articles for publication.
Seek input from board members, reviewers, and authors on ways to enhance the journal's image and visibility.
Provide clear instructions to contributors regarding the submission process and expectations.
Ensure the selection of appropriate reviewers.