Journal Title JUPMASA: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat
Abbreviation -
Short Title JUPMASA
Language Indonesian
ISSN in BRIN xxxx-xxxx
DOI Prefix by Crossref 10.70421/jupmasa
Publication Frequency 2 issues per year (January and July)
Management Style Open Access
National Accreditation -
Citation Analysis DOAJ l Google Scholarl More...
Subject Areas Community development
Editor-in-Chief Wiji Aziiz Hari Mukti
Publisher Konsorsium Pengetahuan Innoscientia (Kopinnos)
Rembang, Central Java - Indonesia


JUPMASA: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat aims to publish research, articles, and case studies related to community development. This journal focuses on issues and practices that support sustainability and community empowerment across various sectors.

Focus: Community empowerment through social and economic programs, Innovation and technology in community development, Public policy and community participation and Studies on successes and challenges in community development initiatives. Scope: Empirical and theoretical research on community development strategies, Policy analysis and its impact on communities, Best practices in community empowerment at local, national, and international levels and Collaboration between public, private, and community sectors in development programs.

The journal encourages submissions from researchers, educators, and practitioners committed to advancing the integration of knowledge for the betterment of citra.

The journal was first published in 2024 and This journal has been indexed on reputable indexing databases such as DOAJ, Copernicus, Moraref, Google Scholar, etc.

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Januari

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