Reviewer Guidelines
As a reviewer for JUPMASA: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat, your feedback is crucial to maintaining the quality and integrity of the journal. Please consider the following guidelines when evaluating manuscripts:
1. Presentation
- Assess the overall presentation of the manuscript, including formatting, structure, and clarity.
- Ensure that the manuscript adheres to the journal’s submission guidelines.
2. Writing
- Evaluate the clarity and coherence of the writing.
- Check for grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors.
- Assess whether the language is appropriate for the intended audience.
3. Length
- Consider whether the manuscript is of appropriate length for the content presented.
- Ensure that each section is adequately developed without unnecessary repetition.
4. Title
- Evaluate the title for clarity, conciseness, and relevance to the content of the manuscript.
- The title should accurately reflect the main findings or focus of the study.
5. Abstract
- Assess the abstract for clarity and completeness.
- Ensure that it provides a concise summary of the study's purpose, methods, results, and conclusions.
6. Introduction
- Evaluate the introduction for context and relevance.
- Check if the research question or hypothesis is clearly stated.
- Ensure that the introduction outlines the significance of the study and provides a literature review where appropriate.
7. Method
- Assess the appropriateness of the methodology used.
- Ensure that the methods are clearly described and can be replicated.
- Check for ethical considerations and approvals where applicable.
8. Result
- Evaluate the clarity and accuracy of the results presented.
- Ensure that results are appropriately summarized and supported by data (tables, figures, etc.).
9. Discussion
- Assess whether the discussion adequately interprets the results in the context of the research question.
- Check if the authors acknowledge limitations of their study and suggest areas for future research.
10. Conclusion
- Evaluate the conclusion for clarity and relevance.
- Ensure that it summarizes the main findings and their implications without introducing new information.
Final Recommendation
- Provide a clear recommendation (accept, minor revisions, major revisions, or reject) based on your assessment of the manuscript.
- Include specific comments and suggestions for improvement that the authors can address in their revisions.