Reviewer Guidelines

To enhance the quality of our journal publications, we cordially invite esteemed experts to serve as reviewers for JPMI: Jurnal Perberdayaan Masyarakat Inklusif. Your valuable contributions are essential to ensuring the publication of top-tier manuscripts.

Reviewer Qualifications:

  • Must possess a Master’s or Doctoral degree.
  • Previous experience as a reviewer for academic journals is highly preferred.
  • Must have authored articles in internationally recognized journals with citations.

Review Guidelines: Reviewers are expected to assess manuscripts based on the following criteria:


  • Does the manuscript present a clear and persuasive argument?
  • Are the ideas articulated in a logical and coherent manner?


  • Does the title accurately reflect the manuscript’s content?
  • Is the writing clear and easy to comprehend?


  • Which sections of the manuscript need to be expanded, condensed, summarized, or combined?


  • Does the title effectively and succinctly convey the manuscript’s content?


  • Does the abstract include key components such as the research background, objectives, methodology, findings, and contributions/implications?


  • Does the background address a gap in the existing research?
  • Does the literature review incorporate relevant theoretical frameworks?
  • Is the originality of the work emphasized?
  • Are the research objectives and hypotheses clearly stated, if applicable?


  • Are the research procedures comprehensively detailed?
  • Are the variables, subjects, and instruments clearly identified?
  • Are the data analysis methods explained?
  • Is sufficient information provided for other researchers to replicate the study?


  • Are tables and figures effectively utilized to present the data?
  • Do the results address the research questions or hypotheses?


  • Are the results analyzed in the context of existing literature?
  • Are the implications of the research clearly discussed?
  • Are the strengths and limitations of the study addressed?


  • Are the main conclusions clearly summarized?
  • Are the findings presented as a synthesis of the results and discussion?
  • Are new findings that contribute to the advancement of interdisciplinary research, case studies, and policy analyses of inclusive development highlighted?

Your commitment to these high standards is crucial for maintaining the excellence of JPMI: Jurnal Perberdayaan Masyarakat Inklusif. We greatly value your dedication to advancing scholarly discourse within our multidisciplinary field.