Publication Ethics

The ethical guidelines for JPMI: Jurnal Perberdayaan Masyarakat Inklusif, established by the Konsorsium Pengetahuan Innoscientia, adhere to the principles set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This document outlines the ethical responsibilities expected of the Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board members, reviewers, and authors, emphasizing the importance of upholding ethical standards throughout the publication process.

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Journal Scope and Ethical Guidelines: JPMI: Jurnal Perberdayaan Masyarakat Inklusif strives to build a comprehensive and interconnected body of knowledge across various disciplines. The quality and credibility of the published articles are a reflection of the authors and their institutions, requiring all participants in the publication process to adhere to high ethical standards. The Editor is dedicated to thoroughly and impartially reviewing all submissions, ensuring fairness, and employing plagiarism detection tools to uphold the integrity of the articles.

Author Responsibilities: Authors are required to ensure that their work is original, free from plagiarism, not previously published, and not under consideration by other journals. They are also responsible for correcting or retracting any significant errors in their published work and for acknowledging individual contributions.

Reviewer Responsibilities: Reviewers must confirm their expertise before accepting review assignments, avoid conflicts of interest, and conduct reviews fairly and professionally. They are also responsible for reporting any ethical concerns, verifying the authenticity of submissions, maintaining confidentiality, and completing reviews within the specified timeframe.

Editorial Board Member Responsibilities: Board members are expected to contribute to the journal’s development, act as ambassadors, support and promote the journal, and participate in the evaluation of manuscripts.

Editor-in-Chief Responsibilities: The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for evaluating manuscripts based on their intellectual merit, ensuring confidentiality, determining the timing and selection of articles for publication, seeking feedback to enhance the journal’s quality, providing clear guidelines to contributors, and selecting appropriate reviewers.