The impact of urban farming on environmental and community aspects in Sumurrejo Gunungpati village, Semarang

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Rizki Wulan Maharani
Rizki Nur Ardani
Widya Eka Lutfiah Ningrum


In Sumurrejo village, Gunungpati district, Semarang, urban farming has begun to develop in response to the need for local food and better environmental quality. Through this study, it is hoped that a deeper understanding will be gained regarding how urban farming can contribute to better environmental management and the formation of more connected communities through sustainable agricultural practices. This research uses qualitative data and inductive analysis, namely an analysis based on the data obtained, then developing specific relationship patterns or hypotheses. This research provides an understanding that urban farming has many positive impacts, one of which is in the environmental aspect of society.


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How to Cite
The impact of urban farming on environmental and community aspects in Sumurrejo Gunungpati village, Semarang. (2024). CRAJ, 1(1), 1-4.

How to Cite

The impact of urban farming on environmental and community aspects in Sumurrejo Gunungpati village, Semarang. (2024). CRAJ, 1(1), 1-4.