Journal Title JIPSD: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar


Short Title JIPSD

English and Bahasa


xxxx-xxxx(online); xxxx-xxxx(printed)

DOI Prefix by Crossref


Publication Frequency

3 issues per year (April, August, December)

Management Style

Open Access

National Accreditation


Citation Analysis

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Subject Areas

Primary Education

Editor-in-Chief Teguh Prasetyo, M.Pd.

Konsorsium Pengetahuan Innoscientia
Rembang, Central Java - Indonesia



JIPSD: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Focusing on research and development of innovations in elementary education, this journal aims to discover and disseminate new and effective teaching methods and strategies, as well as to improve the quality of learning at the elementary level. The journal covers various topics related to elementary education, including innovations in teaching methods, curriculum development, educational technology and its use in the classroom, effective learning strategies, empirical studies on improving the quality of elementary education, educational psychology aspects affecting learning, classroom management and conducive learning environments, assessment and evaluation of learning,  inclusive education of elementary school as well as professional development and teacher training.

The journal was first published in 2024 and This journal has been indexed on reputable indexing databases such as DOAJ, Copernicus, Moraref, Google Scholar, etc.

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Agustus 2024

Published: 2024-08-14

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