Screening for Plagiarism

Manuscripts submitted to JIPSD: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar are rigorously examined using Turnitin software, permitting a maximum similarity index of 20%.

Plagiarism includes:

1. Verbatim Plagiarism:
   - Copying another author's text word-for-word without using quotation marks or proper citation.

2. Source Plagiarism:
   - Using another person’s ideas or concepts without appropriate acknowledgment or explicit citation.

3. Authorship Plagiarism:
   - Claiming another author's work as one's own without proper attribution.

4. Self-Plagiarism:
   - Authors should avoid submitting the same article to multiple journals without substantial revisions. When citing their previous work, significant changes must be made to the new article. The earlier work should be minimally included in the new content to ensure readers receive fresh insights distinct from prior publications.

Adhering to these guidelines is essential to uphold the integrity and originality of the scholarly work published in our journal.