Classification of gastric tissue images based on texture characteristics using the Random Forest method

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Hesti Windyasari
Putri Zulfikah
Hanin Aisya Fakihati
Nabila Triwahyuni Handayani
Fitria Kholbi Azizah
Wahyu Malda Sere


Gastric cancer is a group of malignant diseases caused by many factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and environment. This study aims to create additional tools for distinguishing gastric cancer and normal in microphysical biopsy images from the Kaggle database; the dataset includes 98 gastric cancer and 95 normal. The method used in this research utilizes the coarse and delicate nature of the extracted image based on Histogram and Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) texture features. Image classification uses the Random Forest method in WEKA software. The results showed that the highest accuracy was 94% in folds 15, 20, and 25, while the lowest accuracy was 93% in folds 5 and 10. This research can be an additional tool for differentiating microphysical biopsy images.


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How to Cite
Classification of gastric tissue images based on texture characteristics using the Random Forest method. (2024). JHMT, 1(1), 10-16.

How to Cite

Classification of gastric tissue images based on texture characteristics using the Random Forest method. (2024). JHMT, 1(1), 10-16.