Ethical Clearance

Each manuscript submitted to BioSatu: Journal of Biological Science and Biology Education must meet strict ethical standards, including the following criteria:

  1. Ethical Approval for Research:

    • Research must have received approval from relevant ethical review boards or committees.
  2. Participant Protection:

    • Authors must ensure the safety and well-being of all research participants.
  3. Informed Consent:

    • Participants must be fully informed about the study’s objectives, methods, and potential risks or benefits, and consent must be obtained.
  4. Voluntary Participation:

    • Participation must be voluntary, free from any coercion or undue pressure.
  5. Right to Withdraw:

    • Participants should know they can withdraw from the study at any time without negative consequences.
  6. Anonymity and Confidentiality:

    • Authors must protect participants' identities and maintain confidentiality.
  7. Exclusion Criteria:

    • Clearly define and justify any criteria for excluding individuals from the study.
  8. Protection for Vulnerable Populations:

    • Implement additional safeguards for research involving vulnerable groups, such as children, the elderly, or those with impaired capacity.
  9. Ethical Treatment of Animals:

    • Follow strict ethical guidelines when involving non-human animals in research.
  10. Supervision:

    • Ensure research activities are properly supervised to maintain ethical standards.

Adhering to these ethical guidelines helps uphold the integrity and credibility of BioSatu: Journal of Biological Science and Biology Education, fostering a scholarly environment that prioritizes ethical conduct in research.