Publication Ethics

Jufils: Jurnal Filsafat dan Sains is published by Konsorsium Pengetahuan Innoscientia and adheres to the highest ethical standards in publishing. The following guidelines outline the responsibilities of authors, reviewers, editorial board members, and the editor-in-chief to ensure the integrity and quality of the journal.

1. Author Responsibilities:

  • Authors must ensure that their work is original, properly referenced, and does not plagiarize the work of others.
  • All authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the research.
  • Authors are responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of their data and must ensure that their research complies with ethical standards, including obtaining necessary approvals for human and animal research.
  • Authors should promptly notify the editorial team of any significant errors or inaccuracies in their submitted manuscripts or published articles.

2. Reviewer Responsibilities:

  • Reviewers must provide an impartial, constructive, and timely review of the manuscript.
  • They should declare any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the review process if necessary.
  • Reviewers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the manuscripts and should not disclose any information regarding the manuscript to others.
  • Feedback should be specific, supported by evidence, and aimed at improving the quality of the manuscript.

3. Editorial Board Member Responsibilities:

  • Editorial board members must contribute to the journal's quality by providing guidance and expertise in their respective fields.
  • They are responsible for ensuring that the peer review process is conducted fairly and transparently.
  • Board members should engage in regular discussions about the journal's policies and practices to enhance its scholarly impact.
  • They should declare any potential conflicts of interest when involved in editorial decisions.

4. Editor-in-Chief Responsibilities:

  • The editor-in-chief oversees the editorial process, ensuring that the journal maintains high standards of quality and ethical publishing practices.
  • They are responsible for making final decisions regarding manuscript acceptance or rejection, based on the reviewers' feedback and the journal's scope.
  • The editor-in-chief must handle any allegations of misconduct or disputes fairly and transparently, following established procedures.
  • They should promote a culture of ethical research and publishing within the journal and among its contributors.