Journal Title MaPhyApp: Journal of Material Physics and Applications

MaPhyApp. j. of sci. mat. phy. and app.

Short Title MaPhyApp



xxxx-xxxx(online); xxxx-xxxx(printed)

DOI Prefix by Crossref


Publication Frequency

2 issues per year (July and December)

Management Style

Open Access

National Accreditation


Citation Analysis

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Subject Areas

Material Physics and Applications

Editor-in-Chief Alwiyah Nurhayati

Konsorsium Pengetahuan Innoscientia
Rembang, Central Java - Indonesia


MaPhyApp: Journal of Material Physics and Applications is dedicated to the dissemination of advanced research and insights in the field of material physics and its diverse applications. The journal aims to provide a comprehensive platform for scientists, researchers, and practitioners to share their findings and advancements in the understanding and application of material physics. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to: Theoretical and Experimental Studies, Material Properties and Characterization, Material Synthesis and Fabrication, Applications of Material Physics, Interdisciplinary Research, Reviews and Perspectives.

MaPhyApp is committed to fostering the exchange of knowledge and promoting collaboration among researchers from various disciplines. We welcome original research articles, review papers, short communications, and case studies that contribute to the advancement of material physics and its applications.

The journal was first published in 2024 and This journal has been indexed on reputable indexing databases such as DOAJ, Copernicus, Moraref, Google Scholar, etc.